Sunday, June 3, 2012

She caught him looking again..

as she leaned over to write her name and address on the reciept.. she suddenly looked up, crooked a half smile as she caught him looking down her shirt.. by now, she enjoyed the game, knowing he would never have her..

She moved her long blonde hair out of the way so he could get a better look.. barely 18, she did fantasize about an older man.. his experience, knowledge... she continued writing her address and cell number on the reciept.

Manny stood there, not really caring about getting caught, or the game she seemed to be playing.. to him, she was just another of a long list of young women who come in to give him a show.. that's what Manny thought it was you know, a show.. all for him, and no one else.

The young woman stood up, and handed him the reciept.. he simply put her clothes in the bag, smiled, and said " They will be done by 5, and have a great day". Manny swore she put a little extra wiggle in her walk as she exited the shop.. but it really didnt matter.. Manny saw what he needed to see, or felt he needed to see..

Every day people of all gender, height, weight, young, old, nubile, not so nubile came into his cleaners to give him all the evidence of the life they lead outside the lines.. the lines of work, and the everyday humdrum of the rat race.

He took their soiled clothes, put them in a bag, and passed them to the washers, and pressers behind them.. none could speak english but they all shared the common sweat of a 95 degree day in a shop with barely a window unit humming lightly to Manny's left ear.

Manny hardly ever smiled anymore.. really no reason to.. except for the few young women who would come in to give him a show.. knowing all to well how harmless Manny was..

How harmless Manny was.

Manny was still a good looking man in his mid 50's.. salt/pepper hair, slim build ( he loved to run), and the tanned lines on his face told stories that could be THOUSANDS of years old, but are really not..

He moved freely behind the counter.. greeting, bagging.. and Manny went outside for a quick smoke in the hot Houston summer..

When his phone rang, he really didnt hear it at first, but he heard it eventually, and reached into his pocket to retrieve the old phone on a pre-paid plan.

He looked down at a number he hasnt seen in a very long time.. sweat from the summer day was building on his brow as he flipped the reciever, cleared his throat, and spoke..

"How did you find this number??" Manny asked.

"Does it matter??" said the old familiar voice on the other end.

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