Wednesday, June 6, 2012


3500 Bucks.

Far short of what Manny expected when he opened the envelope. Seems as if Ron ripped him off.. again. Manny was so desprate for any kind of income ( and Ron knew it) that he would basically take anything amount for a job..

But this job was different... it involved someone he loved once, buut couldnt love him back the way he wanted. Turned out, that Ron needed her gone as well, so it was a win/win situation for both of them..

Except for the 3500 Bucks.

He glared out into the Houston night, swearing to himself that his association with ron was over.

Present Day

Manny called the number back on the way to the store, knowing all to well that he would be leaving a message, but surprised when he picked up on the first ring.

"Took you long enough"  Ron said.

"How did you find me??" Manny asked while taking the last drag off his cigarette.. that was something else he swore he would never do again.

" Wasn't hard old man.. you left town in such a hurry last time, you forgot I still had your key.. I looked at the job, messy as hell old man.. I thought you would be.. well, 'cleaner'"

"I did what you asked, and you ripped me off.. again Ron..."

"Shut the HELL up old man!!" Ron screamed into the phone.. I paid for what I got.. and all I got was a mess I had to clean up!!"

Upon hearing that, a smile broke across Manny's face as he headed down I-45 to the place he knew he would be meeting him. He alomost hit a couple of cars as he tried driving a stick shift with just one hand.. the other was listening to Ron bark away into a mind that really didnt give a shit what he had to say.

Manny cracked open the window to feel the steamy Houston evening air as he tossed his last cigarette into the night air..

it landed on a passing motorcycle rider.. him almost losing control of the old piece of crap Harley he was riding..

The rider glared at Manny and gave him the one finger salute, Manny smiled, and shoed his Magnum .44

That was the end of that arguement.

"So we meeting in the same place??" Manny asked Ron.

"well, hellz yea old man!!" He sounded drunk already.


"I gots me some money and am ready to talk some business with ya!!"

Ron looked at his watch, and told him, "See you in 15.. upstairs, and keep that goon doorman away from me"

He heard the phone go dead.

Ron pushed on the accelerator, and made another call....

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