Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Please don't do this man.. I promise I wont tell anyone.."

her voice trembling, and scared.. but Manny could't stop staring...

Manny had to chuckle a bit as he heard those words.. I mean... HOW many crime shows has he watched with the victim screaming the same thing??.. Manny just thought it was a bit funny..


Manny put his badge and his gun on Detective Tony's desk.. he was emotionless as the detective wished him the best on the 'outside'

"Maybe you can start that business you have always wanted to start up" the detecrtive said as Manny turned his back and walked out the door..

as Manny walked down the hall, everyome fell silent when he passed.. persona non grata.. a man everyone wanted to stay away from, former friends, co workers, now all look at hin with disgust and shame... and so did she.


Detective Tony called manny's ex and told her what happened.. her audible crys were heard thru the ear piece on her phone.

"Do you know where he may be??" he asked.. and he waited.. after a few seconds of more crying, she drew a deep breath, and just said.. "you know he will kill you first"

The Detective just hung up the phone.

Detective Tony looked out at the sunrise, and another humid Houston day.

Manny took the body and put it in the trunk.. he was visably shaking, murmuring to himself, over and over 'gotta get em out.. gotta get em out'.. was all he said.. he slammed the keys inside the trunk and took off on foot... the car neatly disguised at the airport parking lot.. just another lemming in a sea of lemmings.

He caught the 316 bus to the park and ride in Downtown, he knew his old friend could help, if he could keep from killing him as well.

Detective Tony ate the Grand Slam breakfast in front of him.. but he didnt have much of an appetite, he knew this was all his fault, and Manny, or the alter ego of Manny would not stop until all he felt were at fault were dead.. he had 2 of them, but how many were to go??


"God damn Manny you blew his fucking face off!!" Seargent Tony couldnt believe what he saw.. it wasnt a seasoned cop in front of him, it was a maniac.. he wasn't happy with the clean kill, he had to put his own signature on it.

Manny stood over the corpse of the dead man, barely 19, or 20.. and he chuckled.. I mean, how MANY times did he hear on those crime shows "Please don't!! I wont say anything!!".. Manny just thought it was funny.

Tony, and Manny both just stood looking at each other.. like on old west showdown.. Tony could see Manny's eyes were bloodshot red, and he saw something that scared the shit out of him..

He saw no emotion.
Manny turned back around, and he heard a shot, and he felt a sharp pain in his back, as he fell, he saw Seargent Tony with his pistol raised, looking like he wanted to finish the job.. then he blacked out.


Manny sat on the bus, not really bloody, in fact, not really dirty at all... but he had to get back, it was 730 on a wednesday morning....

He had to go to work today.

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