Monday, June 4, 2012

Manny, Pg 2

Manny's day was never the same after he got that phone call.. He fumbled thru the rest of the day wondering how he screwed up, what little detail did he leave behind??.. what the hell is he still doing there??.. they could come any moment..

Then he read the text message.


Manny was sitting on the couch watching some TV show, it really didnt matter because Thelma was in the kitchen, the kids were playing outside, and the baseball game was about to come on... Manny had a cold beer in his hand, and life seemed pretty good.

He turned to look at the woman in the kitchen.. 20 years his junior, she was a spanish beauty with deep dark eyes.. she was a beauty queen at one time, and even after 2 kids, she still had the body of a goddess.. with points all her own, setting way up firm and high.

Manny caught himelf wondering what Thelma saw in him... and he was so scared to tell her that the business he once had went belly up over a month ago, and he was barely making it.. Thelma was very high maintenence.. he knew that going in, but being next to her, being SEEN next to her.. well, it was worth it.

At least at that time.


Manny drove his 1999 Chevy back to the small 3 bedroom house he shared with his roomate Brad. Brad worked as an electrician, and he only made Manny pay 250 a month in rent.. Manny had a room, TV, a box fan, and his clothes were still in suitcases mainly, but it was his, and for now at least, it was home.

Manny walked in the door and saw Sarah, the 19 year old daughter of Brad. She was in her usual bikini and sitting crosslegged on the couch with the video controller in her hand.. she looked up long enough to acknowledge Manny, and went back to the game.. not really noticing that Manny was not looking her in the eyes when he said hello back to her.

He went to his room, shut the door, and went to work.

Again.    God Dammit.

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