Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Manny read the wedding announcement and wept. He really did see it coming, but really didnt want to believe it.

After seeing the picture together, and seeing him, he understood. He could give her what she wanted, Manny just couldn't... in no way, in any world.. he couldn't.

She could also give him something Manny wanted so desprately.. and kept taking form others, without regard to what others felt, or how he was percieved. His thoughts wandered to her making love to thar man in the picture, how she sold her self basically to the highest bidder... his large, smelly body on top of hers, how she was pprolly trying to catch her breath as she begged in her mind for him to finish.

He sighed and tied the woman he had in his room  a bit more.


He came to his senses before he hit downtown... it was funny actually, even though he turned into the monter he was now, he still felt the moral, and adult obligation to report to work... at least a little of his wiring wasn't frayed.

He got off near the VA Hospital and walked toward it.. maybe the seargent could help him.. he has before, if anything, maybe he could refill his prescription.

He called him uo a block from the Hospital..

"Are you fucking crazy for calling me??" Seargent Decker asked.

Decker was a career military man, a man that had been thru 2 wars, a countless other battles on the homefront.. married 4 times, and nearly broke, the only joy he knew was helping his fellow veterans.

But Manny was different, he was just fucking crazy.. he didn't know or understand what happened to him, but he knew it probably had nothing to do with any war, except the war raging inside Manny's head.


Manny stood naked in the padded room.. a single window shone what light there was, and the door with the tiny window where an attendant would come by every 5 minutes to check and make sure Manny was OK.

this wasn't the first time he tried to kill himself, and he really thought he was going to do it this time.. after returning from overseas, while the other servicemen were being greeted by adoring wives and children, Manny got an attorney with a divorce decree to sign.. seemed Manny wasn't the "Officer" material she wanted, and she ran away with a Marine Corps Captain..

and took his son with her.

A knock on the door and the shrink came in.. a woman of about 35, slender, blonde, eyes not wavering as Manny stood up naked in front of her.

"Time to talk" She said.. as she caught Manny staring at her chest.


"What the HELL do you want from me??" the Seargent asked.

"I need my pills sarge.. you can get them for me, and I need you to meet me at the diner.."

He looked into the Houston sun as he continued..

"Its time to talk"  he finally said.

"Please don't do this man.. I promise I wont tell anyone.."

her voice trembling, and scared.. but Manny could't stop staring...

Manny had to chuckle a bit as he heard those words.. I mean... HOW many crime shows has he watched with the victim screaming the same thing??.. Manny just thought it was a bit funny..


Manny put his badge and his gun on Detective Tony's desk.. he was emotionless as the detective wished him the best on the 'outside'

"Maybe you can start that business you have always wanted to start up" the detecrtive said as Manny turned his back and walked out the door..

as Manny walked down the hall, everyome fell silent when he passed.. persona non grata.. a man everyone wanted to stay away from, former friends, co workers, now all look at hin with disgust and shame... and so did she.


Detective Tony called manny's ex and told her what happened.. her audible crys were heard thru the ear piece on her phone.

"Do you know where he may be??" he asked.. and he waited.. after a few seconds of more crying, she drew a deep breath, and just said.. "you know he will kill you first"

The Detective just hung up the phone.

Detective Tony looked out at the sunrise, and another humid Houston day.

Manny took the body and put it in the trunk.. he was visably shaking, murmuring to himself, over and over 'gotta get em out.. gotta get em out'.. was all he said.. he slammed the keys inside the trunk and took off on foot... the car neatly disguised at the airport parking lot.. just another lemming in a sea of lemmings.

He caught the 316 bus to the park and ride in Downtown, he knew his old friend could help, if he could keep from killing him as well.

Detective Tony ate the Grand Slam breakfast in front of him.. but he didnt have much of an appetite, he knew this was all his fault, and Manny, or the alter ego of Manny would not stop until all he felt were at fault were dead.. he had 2 of them, but how many were to go??


"God damn Manny you blew his fucking face off!!" Seargent Tony couldnt believe what he saw.. it wasnt a seasoned cop in front of him, it was a maniac.. he wasn't happy with the clean kill, he had to put his own signature on it.

Manny stood over the corpse of the dead man, barely 19, or 20.. and he chuckled.. I mean, how MANY times did he hear on those crime shows "Please don't!! I wont say anything!!".. Manny just thought it was funny.

Tony, and Manny both just stood looking at each other.. like on old west showdown.. Tony could see Manny's eyes were bloodshot red, and he saw something that scared the shit out of him..

He saw no emotion.
Manny turned back around, and he heard a shot, and he felt a sharp pain in his back, as he fell, he saw Seargent Tony with his pistol raised, looking like he wanted to finish the job.. then he blacked out.


Manny sat on the bus, not really bloody, in fact, not really dirty at all... but he had to get back, it was 730 on a wednesday morning....

He had to go to work today.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

He rolled off of her, both of their bodies drenched in sweat.. the old, rent by the hour room was now filled with their smells.. sex, sweat, and a few cigarettes.

he looked at her body, young, hard, her raven hair flowing under her back.. her breasts rlaxing on a well toned chest....sweat dripping down her chest to her stomach, and finally the wonderful place he called home just a few minutes earlier..

the phone rang.. the night manager letting them know his 3 hours were up.. unless he wanted to pay another 40 bucks, it was time for him to go..

Manny stood up with his back toward her, she ran her fingers down hs back to his scar.. then they stopped.. she purreda bit, and kissed it... he felt himself getting hard again.. but it was time to go.

The police arrived at the club about 10  minutes after Manny had left.. witnesses telling their tales, security cameras flickering with the images..

Detective Tony didnt need tosee the video, he knew who he was dealing with.. a roughe ex cop with a chip on his shoulder, no matter how mane-believe he thought that chip was.. he knew Manny thought it was real enough..

Tony was a detective on the brink of retirement, 60 ish, with no hair, t-shirt and jeans barely covering his obese frame..

The lifeless eyes of the stripper stared at the detective..

"Tell me about it honey" he whispered to the dead stripper..

"We have the scene secure sir" a young policeman said to the detective..

Detective Tony looked up at the policeman.. young, obviously a rookie..

"you seen anything like this before son??"

"No sir, no I havent"

"Well as long as his 'other side' is out, we will have a lot more than this.."

Manny sat in the drivers seat looking straight ahead.. he looked down in his hand at the keys to his car.. he then stared at the woman next to him..

He had no idea who the fuck she was.

She smiled at him all the same.. she didnt know, nor did she understand..

she caught him staring.. at her breasts.. and his mouth fell open slightly as he let out a scream.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Manny stood in front of the house in the cold weather just staring.. and with his imagination, he was back insdide its warm comforts// he remembered the fireplace, the stairs that led up to the bedroom.. with the pictures of her and the kids there on the wall.. and the bedroom, although always messy, it was a welcome sight to him, because in the bed, he would make love to her.. in every position they could think of.. they would blth orgasm togehter, then fall asleep in each others arms..

The cop pulled up in front of him.

"You know she has a restraining order on you right??"

Manny nodded and walked back up the street to his beat up car.. he turned one more time as a strange man entered the house...


Ron's face turned white when she enterd the room.. it was the LAST person he expected in his club.. the last...

His frightened eyes looked at her, then at Manny. Manny turned around and smiled at the female figure..

"Hello Thelma" he said with a lift in his voice.. glad you could make it out.. been a long time..

Thelma looked around the VIP room, a room she spent many a day practicing her trade, and then she met Manny.. and it was supposed to all change..

"Yea, I see it hasnt changed a bit.." she looked at the fallen stripper wiping her muth and trembling on the soled carpet..

Thelma looked at her with mock pity, then turned her latin gaze upon Ron.

Thelma was tall for a Latina.. at 5'8 she commaned attention and with her gorgeous smile, long black hair, and 36DD's (double DAMNS she called them), she was the most popular stripper Ron had.. but she didnt play, she was legit.. at least, we all wanted to think she was..

"She blowing you now Ron" she asked.. not really expecting a response.. and she didnt get one..

She turned her gaze at Manny.. "Lets get this meeting over with hun"

Manny acknowledged her, nodded his approval.

Thelma didnt expect to see the 38 pointed at her face, and when the gun went off, and her once beautiful smile exploded into bits and pieces of brains, and teeth, Manny could only imagine her last thought..

Bits of Thelma exploded onto the stripper, when she screamed.. Manny silienced that scream with a bullet in the forehead..

Manny turned his gaze at Ron.

"What the fu...!!: Ron couln't get the words out.

Manny held out his hand, picked Ron up, and grabbed the piece of paper off the floor.. blood and brain splattered on it.

Ron stood tall, straightened his clothes out, looked around at the grizzly scene and said, "I was worried for a sec partner"

Manny smiled and they turned together as security was running into the room.. they stopped when they saw Ron alive..

"clean this shit up and get my car" Ron told the big blonde ape,

Down he stairs a couple of customers were running for the door.. Manny aced them in the back before they hit the Houston night..

They both got into the back seat, and tore off into the night.

"I'll take the paper now " Ron held his hand out, and waited.

A lone gunshot rang out, and a body was deposited on Rankin Road.

The car pulled over, and Manny and the driver changed places.. and there was laughter as they headed towards the target.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The big blonde ape was at the door just as he suspected he would.. he was leaned, over, cigarette dangling from his mouth, and this really stupid smile on his face..

Manny always hated that stupid smile.

He went thru the metal detector,and of course it went off.. why they have the damn thing there is still a mystery, but the ape said "He's waitin' in VIP" and in Manny went.

It was a typical Houston strip club.. for what ever typical is in your tastes.. the better looking the girls, the better the clientele.. This ine was upper class on that scale, and the price of a cold beer proved it.

he knew the layout of just about every strip club in the Houston area.. but this did have a twist to it..while the newbies were squinting their eyes, and running into chairs, Manny entered the door, tookan immediate left and then headed up to the stairs..

The women were out in force that night..Manny called them the 'sharks' cause they eat everything that gets in their way, and then move on.. he noticed an older man around 65 with a girl that could be his Grand daughter.. she was smiling and cooing and rubbing on the old mans leg.. and he was eating it up..

Manny didn't judge, after all, he was just as sick as the rest of the pervs in there..

He walked into the VIP room with his ankle gun firmly attached.. just in case.. he had to use it once before.. the thoughts were fleeting inhis mind as he noticed him leaned back in his chair, like he was asleep.. full beer in front of him as well as a steak dinner..

When he pulled his chair out, thats when he noticed her on her knees servicing Ron. she didnt break her pace at all as Manny went to his left, and sat down..

"Just a few more minutes old man" Ron gasped as he was close to his nirvana..

Manny pushed the stripper over with his left foot and she tumbled over, almost ripped poor Ron's member off with it..

Manny straightened the table up and motioned the stripper away.. when Ron protested, Manny glared at him.

"Was that necessary OFFICER??" Ron asked, knowing he would get a reaction..

Manny gripped the edge of the table as he was deciding whether to just kill Ron then and there..

"lets stick to our meeting" Manny said..

Ron motioned over a couple of nubile strippers to sit with them.. one of them, a young smallish redhead with little tits looking more scared than anything else went to sit on Manny's lap.

He wondered how they could do this.. he also wondered why he wasnt attracted to strippers...?? Because they were a 'sure thing'??.. he didnt know, but Manny preferred them to be in a 'non pro' status..

Manny whispered something to the girl, and she lept off like Manny's lap was on fire and ran out of the room..

"What the hell was that??" Ron demanded.. the brunette still playing with the bulge in Ron's pants..

Ignoring his question, Manny simply slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and laid it down before Ron,

Ron bristled off the stripper and picked it up, and his face went white when he read it..

Then he looked over Manny's shoulder.

Manny smiled

and she walked in the door.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


3500 Bucks.

Far short of what Manny expected when he opened the envelope. Seems as if Ron ripped him off.. again. Manny was so desprate for any kind of income ( and Ron knew it) that he would basically take anything amount for a job..

But this job was different... it involved someone he loved once, buut couldnt love him back the way he wanted. Turned out, that Ron needed her gone as well, so it was a win/win situation for both of them..

Except for the 3500 Bucks.

He glared out into the Houston night, swearing to himself that his association with ron was over.

Present Day

Manny called the number back on the way to the store, knowing all to well that he would be leaving a message, but surprised when he picked up on the first ring.

"Took you long enough"  Ron said.

"How did you find me??" Manny asked while taking the last drag off his cigarette.. that was something else he swore he would never do again.

" Wasn't hard old man.. you left town in such a hurry last time, you forgot I still had your key.. I looked at the job, messy as hell old man.. I thought you would be.. well, 'cleaner'"

"I did what you asked, and you ripped me off.. again Ron..."

"Shut the HELL up old man!!" Ron screamed into the phone.. I paid for what I got.. and all I got was a mess I had to clean up!!"

Upon hearing that, a smile broke across Manny's face as he headed down I-45 to the place he knew he would be meeting him. He alomost hit a couple of cars as he tried driving a stick shift with just one hand.. the other was listening to Ron bark away into a mind that really didnt give a shit what he had to say.

Manny cracked open the window to feel the steamy Houston evening air as he tossed his last cigarette into the night air..

it landed on a passing motorcycle rider.. him almost losing control of the old piece of crap Harley he was riding..

The rider glared at Manny and gave him the one finger salute, Manny smiled, and shoed his Magnum .44

That was the end of that arguement.

"So we meeting in the same place??" Manny asked Ron.

"well, hellz yea old man!!" He sounded drunk already.


"I gots me some money and am ready to talk some business with ya!!"

Ron looked at his watch, and told him, "See you in 15.. upstairs, and keep that goon doorman away from me"

He heard the phone go dead.

Ron pushed on the accelerator, and made another call....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

He finished his Swanson dinner in front of the TV once again.. he looked at the old laptop and really was NOT looking foward to getting back on it, and going to work again.

Brad walked in (without knocking again) and quickly went on his rant about his daughter..

" How many times have I asked you to give me a ring first if you are coming home early. You know Sammi doesnt like putting clothes on around here, in fact, if I wasnt her father, she would walk around here naked!!"

Manny didnt say anything as he moved the laptop over to him.. he simply looked at Brad.. with the look that has given people twice his size chills down their spine, and began to log on..

"yes, well.. please call next time you come home early" and began to close the door..

"Beer Brad.. please.. I have some work here to do, and I cant get up right now"

Brad hesitated a bit, but left and soon came back with the cold Budweiser.. he handed it to Manny, and waited for a response..

"No tip this time Brad, but if Sammi brings it in next time.." and he chuckled..

Brad wanted to say something, but knew he couldnt.. and he shut the door.


It had been 6 months since his business closed down, and Thelma was long gone, and the cold Houston night was unforgiving as Manny tried to find somewhere on Westheimer to stay for the night.

His .45, still warm was sitting next to him, and police sirens flew by and faded into the cold Houston evening..

The local Motel 6 looked promising for the evening, and after paying for the room, he took his duffle bag, and the thick envelope and plopped them on the bed.. the .45 still in his hand as he walked around the room.

after a half hour of just standing.. sometimes looking left, then right.. listening to the still of the room, and the occasional siren flying by the hotel.. he sat down on the bed, and opened the envelope...

Present day

The beer laid nest to him on the nightstand as he typed the phone number into the laptop.. Manny smiled a half smile as the reverse phone look up revealed what he already knew.

A heavy sigh drew out of his mouth as he opened another tab, typed in amateur porn, and the images ran across his eyes..